Partner with us to build a more equitable and resilient economy.
Community, Government, and Corporate Partners
Spur the growth of co-ops in the sector, geography, or population that interests you.
We have a track record of cultivating strong communities of cooperative entrepreneurs and providing them with the knowledge, skills, and tools they need to build thriving cooperative businesses. Whether you are just starting to explore your community’s interest in cooperatives, you want to better understand how to promote cooperative startups in your geography, or you are ready to develop a custom program for the population you serve, we have the expertise and experience to partner with you and create lasting impact.
Invest in a cooperative future and a more resilient and equitable economy.
We’ve got big plans for the future. By 2025 we will be a nationally-recognized organization that entrepreneurs turn to when they want to build values-aligned businesses. We plan to:
Introduce co-ops to 10,000+ people
Partner with entrepreneurs to grow 225+ new co-ops
Help co-ops find and access over $10m in new capital
As a registered 501(c)3 charitable organization we are grateful for the support of a generous community of donors committed to the potential of cooperatives and shared prosperity.
We can help you source high-potential co-ops for your portfolio.
If you want to balance your portfolio with investments in businesses that share, rather than concentrate wealth and prosperity, you’ve come to the right place. We are neither registered investment advisors nor attorneys nor accountants but we know the cooperative landscape inside out and back to front. We have built a thriving community of entrepreneurs and investors working together to build robust, cooperatively-owned businesses and invite you to join us.
Explore our sister organization, The Equitable Economy Fund, or reach out to learn more about investing in cooperatives.
Disclaimer: The content herein is for educational purposes only. You should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. Nothing contained in these materials constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or offer to buy, or a solicitation of an offer to sell, any securities or other financial instruments. All content is information of a general nature and does not take into account the circumstances, objectives, financial condition, or needs of any particular individual or entity. Nothing in the content constitutes a professional and/or financial recommendation or advice, nor does any information provided constitute a comprehensive or complete statement of the matters discussed or the law relating thereto. All investors should consult with their own tax, accounting, or legal advisor regarding any potential investment. You alone assume the sole responsibility of evaluating the merits and risks associated with the use of any information or other content here before making any decisions based on such information or other content.